Open Letter From A Black Woman Sick and Tired Of You White Folks Doing Not A Single Damn Thing About Rampant White Anti-Blackness and Open Terrorism

Sandy Broadus
41 min readMay 10, 2020

When I initially began writing this open letter it was so I could let you white folks know YOU are the reason your fellow white people keep killing us, and your inaction is why they keep getting away with it.

Because talk, talk, talk is pretty much ALL most of you do. I am enraged with white folks about this. Many of us Black folks are, too.

For three days I have been writing this epistle in response to Black people’s never-ending outpouring of grief we can never escape, caused by gangland-style round-ups and executions by white mobs who hate us.

I am exhausted. Sleepless. Drained by white people not doing anything to put an end to our planned, serial murders by white thugs.

Last night I was just about done writing this, after making final edits late into the night. But I was weary from expending so much intellectual and emotional labor and decided it would be best to do a final proofread with fresh eyes, and publish it first this morning.

But when I awoke this morning, the first news that met my eyes was a Facebook post about charges finally filed only because of public outcry about a Black…



Sandy Broadus

Mom. Trial Lawyer (Torts/Insurance Defense, Plaintiffs’ Wrongful Death/Catastrophic Injury, Criminal Defense, Global Corporate Ethics/Compliance).